Welcome to 2025 Youth A-League T-Ball, Baseball and Softball! The A-League introduces and develops age appropriate skills and game play strategies that lead to steady improvement, and provide a solid foundation for success and lifelong enjoyment of the game. Children will be taught proper techniques, and be given plenty of opportunity to showcase their newly developed skills in scheduled league games that are centered on our program’s Core Values of Inclusion, Skill Development, Family Balance, and Lifelong Enjoyment. All registered children will participate in weekly practices and a 7 game season.  Children will receive a team t-shirt, team cap, and most equipment is provided (bats, helmets, etc).  Just bring your glove and Let’s Play!

DATES: League will run June 9 – July 30, 2025* (no games the week of July 4)  *Makeup games will be week of August 4, 2025

LOCATION: Appleton Memorial Park for games.  Practices will be held at diamonds throughout the city.  


Grade levels refer to the grade in which the child is CURRENTLY enrolled at the time of registration.

T-Ball – For kids CURRENTLY in 4K and Kindergarten (must be 5 years old by September 1, 2025)
Coach Pitch / Modified – For children currently in the 1st and 2nd Grades.
Kid Pitch – For children currently enrolled in 3rd through 6th Grades.
Teen Core – For teens currently enrolled in 7th and 8th Grade.  This league is for teens who want to continue to play baseball or softball in a pressure free, recreational setting with manageable time commitments. Modified pitching / hitting rules to encourage more action & less idle time. For more about our Teen Core Initiative, please CLICK HERE!


  • T-Ball teams are Co-ed (boys and girls together). 
  • 1st through 6th Grade leagues are separated by gender and grade.
  • Teen Core leagues are Co-Ed.
  • Lower grade levels (K-2) are separated when possible (dependent on participation rates), and grouped together when necessary.
  • Older grade levels, (3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th/8th) are usually combined to provide teams with experience / pitching needed for effective game play / game flow.
  • Play with your friends! Children will be placed onto teams by school (or combinations of nearby schools).  Specific friend and coach requests will be honored whenever possible!
  • T-Ball is Monday, Tuesday, OR Wednesday evenings at 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. 
  • Boys 1st-4th grade is MONDAY evenings between 5:00-9:00 p.m. (game start times may vary each week and younger grade levels will tend to be earlier in the evening than older grades)
  • Girls 1st-4th grade is TUESDAY evenings between 5:00-9:00 p.m. (game start times may vary each week and younger grade levels will tend to be earlier in the evening than older grades)
  • Boys and Girls 5th & 6th grade is WEDNESDAY evenings between 5:00-9:00 p.m.
  • Boys & Girls 7th & 8th grade is WEDNESDAY evenings between 5:00-9:00 p.m.

FEE: $50 for residents/$75 for non-residents if registered by April 2, 2025
$60 for residents/$85 for non-residents if registered after April 2, 2025

Early Bird discount deadline is Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Final deadline is Wednesday, April 16, 2025

COACHES:  Our sports programs rely on great volunteer coaches, and coaching is a rewarding way to positively impact the lives of our young athletes. We provide comprehensive training and lesson materials which enable all of our volunteers to be successful, so if you have the skill and confidence to lead and encourage kids, then you already have what it takes to be a great coach!   Indicate your interest in coaching under the “Coach Sign Up” section during registration.