You found a program you want to sign up for, that’s great news! Time to get you registered! You have a few options, so lets get started…
Online Registration
If you have never signed up for an APRD program before, you need to start by setting up a household account. On our homepage, click on Online Registration which will take you to our online registration system homepage. Or simply click here.

Once you complete the household information, you will need to wait for a confirmation email that your household has been approved. **This may take up to 48 hours since your residency needs to be verified. You will receive an email when this is complete and you can continue with your program registration.

When creating your household, please make sure that you add all the members. To add members, select the “Add Member” button at the bottom of the page next to the save button versus selecting the additional family member dropdown. If you click save you cannot go back to add additional family members. If you have already clicked save feel free to call 920-832-5905 or email [email protected] to add new members.
- Select the category and scroll through the list to find your desired program. Make sure to check the dates and times to confirm you are selecting the correct program, you can also verify the Class Number that is on the website and in the activity guide with the number in registration.
- If you search by activity number, leave off the numbers after the dash to see all options.
- Choose the shopping cart or plus button to select the program you want. A green bar will pop up at the button of your screen with the options to clear selection or add to cart. Click add to cart and either proceed to check out or choose more programs.
- When you get to the payment page, please note that we only accept Visa or Master Card online.
- When you complete registration, you will receive an email confirmation.
Walk-In Registration
Come on into our Customer Service Center located at our Parks and Recreation office at 1819 Witzke Blvd inside Appleton Memorial Park. Bring in your Registration Form or fill one out there. Hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Make sure checks are payable to “City of Appleton”.
Mail-In Registration
Mail your completed Registration Form along with your payment to:
City of Appleton Parks & Recreation
1819 Witzke Blvd.
Appleton, WI 54911
Make sure checks are payable to “City of Appleton”.
If you have any questions or run into any problems please call our Customer Service Center at 920-832-5905 or email [email protected].