The City of Appleton has an extensive park and trail system which requires continual maintenance and upkeep. While City staff address the basic maintenance needs of these sites, there is always opportunity to further enhance these Appleton greenspaces. The Park, Recreation, and Facilities Management Department has developed an Adopt a Park/Trail program to involve volunteers with maintaining, improving and monitoring of the City’s parks and trails. By agreeing to adopt specific areas within the community and making a regular effort to address minor maintenance, this program allows for individuals, businesses and community groups to play a direct role in the upkeep and beautification of our parks and trails. Groups also receive recognition through the placement of a sign naming them as the adopter of the park or trail.
Do you have a green thumb and want to keep our city looking its best? It is due to the hard work and dedication of volunteers who plant and maintain the planting beds that it is possible for the existence of the beautiful planting beds within the City. Check out this great new program to get involved with!
The Friends of the Scheig Center Gardens is an all-volunteer group dedicated to the preservation, sustainability and enhancement of the Gardens. During the growing season, volunteers under the guidance of Park staff tend the Gardens, planting, weeding, pruning and updating the beds, shrubs and other features. They also work hard to help keep invasive plant species at bay.